

1、Between Truth and Lies, an Unprintable ubiquity.『7words』

2、Now, they are poised for ubiquity across America.『8words』

3、The very ubiquity of the Windows operating system makes it a favorite with hackers.『14words』

4、Recent applications have greatly increased the ease of development and ubiquity of 2-d maps.『14words』

5、Given the ubiquity of water, it seems probable that this thing actually has liquid water.『15words』



6、Given the ubiquity of counterfeits and illegally made goods in China, this is a serious problem.『16words』

7、The simple JMS client approach has many advantages, the most obvious being its simplicity and ubiquity.『16words』

8、The ubiquity of computers in business, however, has been eclipsed by their takeover of our personal lives.『17words』

9、Software: E-mail has severe limitations as an online collaboration tool, but it has the benefit of ubiquity.『17words』

10、Yet despite their ubiquity remarkably few non? engineers have heard the word“ embedded” used in this context.『17words』



11、The near ubiquity of mobile phones is the chief reason to think this optimistic scenario may come true.『18words』

12、The ubiquity of RSS is so powerful that publishers want to deliver more and more content to users via RSS.『20words』

13、You may blame him for not giving his heart, but he can feel his concern for your ubiquity in his daily life.『22words』

14、In Bottled Lightning, science journalist Seth Fletcher explains how lithium batteries work and describes the research steps that have led to their ubiquity.『23words』

15、The appetite for trendy headsets has grown since the company started, largely due to the ubiquity of smartphones that double as music players.『23words』



16、In recent years the mushrooming power, functionality and ubiquity of computers and the have outstripped early forecasts about technology's rate of advancement and usefulness in everyday life.『27words』

17、Given the ubiquity and spread of Hanzi in Ancient Asia, it made a lot of sense to make traditional Chinese the universal language of the Avatar world.『27words』

18、If that's right, if that's the psychology, then even for those death thrill seekers, the ubiquity of death won't necessarily be a good thing because of it being constant.『29words』

19、The shift to digital technologies from start to finish is evident in the image quality (digital sometimes looks less visually dense than film) and the ubiquity of hand-held (lightweight) cameras.『30words』

20、Today, numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of e-mail addresses and other internet-based identity tags, such as Skype names.『33words』

21、He said my cellphone copying bore some resemblance to that earlier behavior, but because it depended on the portability and ubiquity of the phone's camera, he said it was closer to music piracy.『33words』

22、Only in the last few years has the ubiquity of information led to a situation where not only do all people want to know all things all the time, but it is possible to do just that.『37words』

