

1、Confusion caused his unfortunate misstep.『5words』

2、They didn't avoid every misstep .『6words』

3、One misstep doesn't affect your career.『6words』

4、One misstep will undo all our work.『7words』

5、Professional choice is bad, be equal to is misstep circle.『10words』



6、The ECB's misstep has markets asking it for another demonstration of commitment.『12words』

7、What do you think has been Harry's greatest misstep or failure in judgment?『13words』

8、A statement failure occurs when there is a logic misstep in an application.『13words』

9、But by their misstep salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.『15words』

10、The media are always watching, and any small misstep in your personal life can be distorted.『16words』



11、News of the layoffs is just the company's latest misstep, and threatens to repel potential job candidates.『17words』

12、I am confident that future generations will look back on today's decision as an unfortunate misstep," she added『18words』

13、Social media accounts further expose oneself to hackers or, via a single tone-deaf misstep, a global public shaming.『18words』

14、It was an unfortunate misstep that, as long as it is kept a secret, would bind him to those people.『20words』

15、The one big misstep is a property-tax cap of about 2 percent a year that will severely hurt schools and services in poorer communities.『24words』



16、The reality is that performance testing is often minimalized and not often considered until very late in the process, which is a big misstep.『24words』

17、And it slowly starts to fall apart or there's a misstep here or a misstep there... And you know things are starting to change for Anakin.『26words』

18、Do not arbitrage credit CARDS, rolling from one zero-interest card to another, because it can trash your credit score, and one tiny misstep can cost a fortune.『27words』

19、Even then it will not validate against the standard XHTML DTDs, a very common problem that has much more to do with limitations of DTD than any misstep by CC.『30words』

20、Rust:I think human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-Aware.Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself.We are creatures that should not exist by natural law.Rust思忖了3秒:我觉得人类的自我意识,是进化过程中一个不幸的失误。我们变得太有自我意识了,大自然创造了从它自身分离出的另一面,根据自然法则,我们这种生物不该存在。『31words』

21、“I don't think this should be done away with because of one misstep,”Ward Miller, a lawyer from Glen Ridge, N.J., said of the hawks while taking his daily walk in Bryant Park.“This is a great idea.『36words』

