

1、Get busying living,or get busying dying.『6words』

2、Alright, you'd better stop busying yourself.『6words』

3、The class are busying writing English passages.『7words』

4、However, busying was theirs, I had nothing.『7words』

5、This bar is very busying in our younger.『8words』



6、They are busying themselves by tidying up the table.『9words』

7、I want invite you both in, but I'm busying now.『10words』

8、Mechanic: I'm afraid I can't, I'm busying exchanging batteries for the Browns'.『12words』

9、Since early in the morning, some people had already been busying themselves amongst the rubble.『15words』

10、Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was busying eating.『16words』



11、When busying, book ticket for me and let me bring parents to outside and have fun.『16words』

12、With busying school life, I forgot him soon, It's the topic of today which opened my memory to him.『19words』

13、Because I was busying on taking pictures for those wild flowers, my honey reached the top of Glingspitze first.『19words』

14、It's been a long time since I came back from Omeida, and I was busying at finding a new job and now I've found one.『25words』

15、This teenage girl wrote down the words that she was busying giving birth to a child for her so called husband, who was also a teenager.『26words』



16、And so I pulled away and avoided being alone with her by sitting with a group of our friends at lunch or busying myself with after-school activities.『27words』

17、Seeing how a bee was busying itself about a flower, an eagle said to it, "how I pity you, poor thing, with all your hard work and skill!"『28words』

18、Just now she was busying herself with plans for Huei-fang's future, a beautiful, exciting future as free as the sea and the sky, a future with boundless possibilities.『28words』

19、With a twinge of regret that had nothing to do with food, Harry imagined the house-elf busying himself over the steak-and-kidney pie that Harry, Ron, and Hermione would never eat.『30words』

20、The 4th day Today, she got up really early. After busying around all morning, she locked herself inside the bathroom. When her roommates opened the door, they were amazed: "So clean."『31words』

21、Far and deep in its own region, busying itself, with preternatural activity, to marshal a procession of stately thoughts that were soon to issue thence; and so he saw nothing, heard nothing, knew nothing of what was around him;『39words』

