


2、She happened/chanced to speak fluent Swahili.『6words』

3、She both speaks and writes Swahili.『6words』

4、Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa.『9words』

5、She was a thin Swahili woman with a serious face, a widow.『12words』



6、Language: The official languages are French and Kirundi, Swahili is also widely used.『13words』

7、(Swahili) a long garment (usually white) with long sleeves; worn by men in E Africa.『15words』

8、Language: English and Swahili are the official language. Kikuyu, Somali and Luo are also widely spoken.『16words』

9、French and Arabic are the official languages, and Comorian, which is similar to Swahili, is widely used.『17words』

10、Exim also offers an innovative savings account for budding women entrepreneurs called the Tumaini account (Swahili for "hope").『18words』



11、The people who created Kwanzaa used the word for "first fruit" in Swahili, one of the largest languages in Africa.『20words』

12、I was a bit worried, to say the least. The man next to me said in Swahili, "What's the problem?"『20words』

13、But Nahla was found to have a few meanings ranging from gift in Swahili to "drink of water" in Arabic.『20words』

14、So I was surprised when our first group of women farmers burst into a rapid-fire discussion in Swahili without hesitation.『20words』

15、Whether you speak Chinese, English or Swahili, a laugh or smile has virtually the same meaning all over the world, researchers said.『22words』



16、After the country's disputed elections in 2008, Ushahidi (which means "testimony" in Swahili) mapped reports about violence, most of them text messages, on a website.『25words』

17、Now on 57 languages as of this month and counting, Google Translate seeks to help us move seamlessly between Urdu and Swahili with little effort.『25words』

18、So you may be saying to yourself, I have to sign up right now for Swahili and calculus and accordion lessons before my brain withers away!『26words』

19、The name chikungunya means "that which bends up" in the Swahili language. People infected with the virus walk in a bent-over position because of the severe pain in the joints.『30words』

20、A group of over400 closely related languages spoken in central, east-central, and southern Africa, belonging to the South Central subgroup of the Niger-Congo language family and including Swahili, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Zulu, and Xhosa.『33words』

21、In a vast country where twin-prop Cessnas can whisk you to your remote safari camp in less than an hour, the two - or three-day trip is a safari - a "journey" - in the true Swahili sense of the word.『41words』

