

1、Not occupied;unfilled.『2words』

2、filled and unfilled aperture radio telescope『6words』

3、Examine the club's roster of filled and unfilled classifications.『9words』

4、Backlog-A reserve supply or an accumulation of unfilled orders.『9words』

5、We still have several unfilled place on the tour .『10words』



6、Some believed the paper falling from the printer was unfilled orders.『11words』

7、Since then the position of flag carrier for Work-Shy CEO has remained unfilled.『13words』

8、A position, an office, or a place of accommodation that is unfilled or unoccupied.『14words』

9、At senior management level 35% of posts were unfilled, rising to 59% at deputy director-general level.『16words』

10、Suitable corn density was to be selected through yields and proportion of unfilled-ear on the plot.『16words』



11、Digging deep holes in the sand and leaving them unfilled is discouraged, because they are a hazard to walkers.『19words』

12、As the orders poured in, the company found itself facing a shortage of capital and a backlog of unfilled orders.『20words』

13、This is one of the things I wasn't prepared for-the amount of unfilled time, the long parentheses of nothing&b{Margaret Atwood)『20words』

14、The WPK itself had seemingly slipped into obscurity until a few years ago, with most of the top posts unfilled after incumbents died.『23words』

15、Perfectly unfilled 'empty' world is where only mutable nature and ambiguous mind in reality exist and everything stimulates abstract interrelationship and blends into one.『24words』



16、Please do not select arbitrary numbers when choosing order quantities, currently there are several products with unfilled(partial) containers, which caused trouble for the warehouse shipping process;『26words』

17、This product has some more development it needs to go through, but there's promise here and we'd love a quick, smooth solution to this nagging, unfilled need.『27words』

18、NIV] The nobles send their servants for water; they go to the cisterns but find no water. They return with their jars unfilled; dismayed and despairing, they cover their heads.『30words』

19、He said the move won't result in a loss of jobs at Cessna's main plants, adding that Cessna has unfilled orders valued at $11.9 billion, with plans to expand its profitable business-jet line.『33words』

20、As shown in Figure 10, a dotted line with a closed, unfilled arrow means realization (or implementation); as we saw in Figure 4, a solid arrow line with a closed, unfilled arrow means inheritance.『34words』

21、No matter how much cold food eats, his stomach will feel empty and unfilled, but after a hot meal, Lin Xueli finally has the feeling of being full for the first time in a week.『35words』

