

1、He's a convicted felon.『4words』

2、I'm a convicted federal felon.『5words』

3、He was convicted to be a felon.『7words』

4、 That felon tried to escape from the prison.『9words』

5、The child's rubBer Ball punctured when it felon a prickly Bush『11words』



6、The child’s rubber ball punctured when it felon a prickly bush『11words』

7、Hitler's early "successes" were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.『12words』

8、This mystery gunman wasn't the only felon who invested time in CPR training.『13words』

9、The dangerous driving cause troubling crime's nature is the administration violates the result to add the felon.『17words』

10、Police identified him as Calvin Tillie, 29, a four-time convicted felon whom Parker had dated for six months.『18words』



11、This is a fraudulent lawsuit brought by a convicted felon, and we look forward to defending it in court.『19words』

12、So don't run from who you've become, felon. Embrace it. Grow from it. And you'll never lose sight of what truly matters.『22words』

13、When you reach the heart of life you will find yourself not higher than the felon, and not lower than the prophet.『22words』

14、Any unit or individual person shall take timely the person injured in voluntary felon-fighting to a medical institution for emergency treatment and cure.『23words』

15、Ponzi, on the other hand, was already a convicted felon, though Mr. McMasters and the world did not find that out until later.『23words』



16、3: The Order 23 Job :Nates team takes aim at a thieving felon by commandeering a whole hospital floor and staging the deadly outbreak of a virus.『27words』

17、But because of a second law passed in 1998, the NET (No Electronic Theft) Act, his act of publishing would make Eldred a felon—whether or not anyone complained.『28words』

18、So, why can't a police officer who's been told there were weapons in the closet of a convicted felon, the man suspected kidnapping, why can't he open the closet?『29words』

19、Violation of school policy will likely result in revocation of your student visa, making you an instant illegal alien (and a felon if you are in possession of a gun).『30words』

20、Remarkably, he actually appeared to have beaten Mr Begich after the first count, and having tied his conviction up in the appeals courts, looked set to return to the Senate as a convicted felon.『34words』

21、Caderousse, awed by the superior power of the abbé, sat down and wrote:--Sir,--The man whom you are receiving at your house, and to whom you intend to marry your daughter, is a felon who escaped with me from confinement at Toulon.『41words』

