

1、Nervous exhaustion from prolonged piloting of aircraft.『7words』

2、Teachers are piloting a literature-based reading programme.『7words』

3、The relation arrangement piloting, anchors, loading and unloading;『8words』

4、The piloting or navigation of an aircraft or a spacecraft.『10words』

5、He has become expert in piloting ships after many years of practicing.『12words』



6、The controls were unmarked, but Anakin's piloting skills made such designations unnecessary.『12words』

7、Aside from Jedi training, Anakin honed his piloting skills through formal training on Coruscant.『14words』

8、Sen. McCain volunteered for duty during the Vietnam War and began piloting bombing missions in 1966.『16words』

9、Recognizing his talent, Watto let the boy continue his piloting, sensing potential profit from the venture.『16words』

10、But in some occupations, like operating a giant crane or piloting an aircraft, the consequences can be devastating.『18words』



11、It was Anakin's piloting skills that saved the day, landing the wreck of the starship in an abandoned industrial area.『20words』

12、This requires urban planning and administrative departments to take the function of consummating the macroscopical mechanism and piloting the market.『20words』

13、A goblin serves as a guide into this labyrinth, piloting a small cart which rides on narrow tracks set in the stone floor.『23words』

14、Some dungeon Federation Navy NPC frigates were piloting Caldari ships. These pilots have received reprimands and now pilot only the Federation's finest ships.『23words』

15、On April 1, the fighter jet my husband was piloting was rammed by a spy plane of your country, and plunged into the sea.『24words』



16、Or if it's a service, we use a different type of market process because of course the piloting with the customers and everything is much earlier.『26words』

17、Article39 The duty of the Master in the management and navigation of the ship shall not be absolved even with the presence of a pilot piloting the ship.『28words』

18、Although it seems possible from old writings and woodcuts that UFOs and aliens piloting them have been seen for centuries, the modern interest in them dates only from 1947.『29words』

19、It has the arable land over4.1 million hectares, and the soil quality is good, the terrain is flat and concentrated, which is convenient for piloting gravity irrigation and large scale reclamation.『31words』

20、There are mutual samdwich rock of Cambrian limestone and shale in Pan-shi reservoir's to piloting water tunnel and flooding water tunnel, in which the shale is decisive to the tunnel stability.『31words』

21、With his hard nose protruding like a ship's prow, and his hands leathered from a youth spent piloting his cut-price ferry into Manhattan, he took to business as if it were war.『32words』

