


2、TCDD (tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin)『2words』

3、Prevention and control of dioxin exposure.『6words』

4、1999 Belgian dioxin chicken pollution affair『6words』

5、The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.『8words』



6、The chemical name for dioxin is: 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo para dioxin (TCDD).『11words』

7、The iron ore sintering process is one of dioxin pollution sources.『11words』

8、The agencies agree that tighter standards on dioxin emissions are needed.『11words』

9、This article reports the quality control demands and measures of dioxin monitoring.『12words』

10、Up to 100,000 Irish pigs to be culled because of dioxin scare.『12words』



11、Dibenzofuran(DF) is one of the model compounds for the study of biodegradation of dioxin-like pollutants.『15words』

12、The tomcod actually has two types of AHRs, with AHR-2 offering the most effective binding to dioxin-like pollutants.『18words』

13、The adding in of coal, especially coal with a high sulfur content, can markedly reduce the generation of dioxin.『19words』

14、Exposure to toxins such as dioxin, which can affect the male reproductive system, and stress have been suggested as possible causes.『21words』

15、We live, environmentalists warn, in a world laced with dangerous chemicals, from powerful pesticides to toxic industrial wastes like dioxin and PCBs.『22words』



16、This widely used plastic often contains harmful chemicals, including such known carcinogens as vinyl chloride, dioxin, and phthalates, which are linked to asthma, allergies, and reproductive problems.『27words』

17、China requires that incinerators discharge no more than one nanogram of dioxin per cubic metre. The European Union sets a standard that is one-tenth of that amount.『27words』

18、The existing problems on municipal solid waste(MSW) incineration, emission control and fly ash disposal are illustrated herein, and the direction of zero dioxin emission is put forward as well.『29words』

19、In another incident, elevated dioxin levels were detected in animal feed in the Netherlands in 2006 and the source was identified as contaminated fat used in the production of the feed.『31words』

20、You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc. , should be removed from the container and heated in something else.『32words』

