

1、Everything was dismally still.『4words』

2、I lay there dismally calculating.『5words』

3、The family dog began to howlalong dismally.『7words』

4、Up to now, the efforts have failed dismally.『8words』

5、Most people who try to lose weight fail dismally.『9words』



6、He cried dismally, "why ever did I do it?"『9words』

7、However, the autumn of northland comes extra lightly, silently and dismally.『11words』

8、The African Union has dismally failed to help the continent's starving people.『12words』

9、And those who remain are failing dismally to adapt to the changing times.『13words』

10、S last-minute jilting by Microsoft is that the marriage would only have failed dismally.『14words』



11、It was very long, narrow, and dismally low, with pointed Gothic Windows and a ceiling of oak.『17words』

12、If instead he panders to LDP interests or the ultra-nationalist wing, the Abe administration will have started dismally.『18words』

13、The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again.『18words』

14、In addition, US citizens have a dismally low savings rate and a huge amount of credit card debt.『18words』

15、“I wish it was Christmas or New Year's all the time. Wouldn't it be fun?" answered Jo, yawning dismally.『19words』



16、He had been expelled from his state comprehensive school at 15, failed dismally academically and had spent his teenage years off the rails.『23words』

17、America may not quite lead the world in gun murders( South Africa probably holds that dubious title) but it has a dismally prominent position.『24words』

18、Brands ranging from American-born Buick to Japan-based Mitsubishi, are primed to meet their demise in North America after seeing dismally steep downward sales for the last five years.『28words』

19、In an array of services, from education to health care, from providing security to preserving the environment, the public sector has failed dismally while the private side has picked up the slack.『32words』

20、The car turned in through the factory gates and past the workshops with their windows dismally lit up by the yellowish glare from inside. The damp air vibrated with the smooth hum of machinery.『34words』

