

1、They bugged her hotel room.『5words』

2、The police had bugged his apartment.『6words』

3、I'm always bugged with his personal problems.『7words』

4、You were told the rooms were bugged.『7words』

5、A paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged.『9words』



6、Hittin sound, watch me act bugged, and tear it down.『10words』

7、A big bear bugged one, and then there were two.『10words』

8、Hoover had bugged Congressmen, as well as nonviolent civil right and antiwar protestors.『13words』

9、We'd better check the whole room out in case it has been bugged.『13words』

10、The eyes of the little boy bugged out with astonishment when he saw his new bicycle.『16words』



11、His apartment was bugged, his telephone tapped; he was put under surveillance and tested with provocateurs.『16words』

12、Over the years, U.N. weapons inspectors have been threatened by Iraqi officials, electronically bugged and systematically deceived.『17words』

13、“ And he laughed and pointed to the ceiling and said, "There's no trouble; they've got this meeting bugged.『19words』

14、Sometimes you have a project that needs to be coded or de-bugged within three days, and you have to work all night.『22words』

15、Now, the guy is awesome at his job and we generally have a great working relationship, but it obviously still bugged me.『22words』



16、One girl told me her brother bugged her so much she left the house and went to the library to finish her homework.『23words』

17、When a warrior charges into water, or any similar landscape, (i. e. lava) the character becomes bugged, unable to preform any actions client-side.『23words』

18、This allows the Crane to heal the Ore Collector when it gets attacked, and itwon't cause the Ore Collector to become bugged and stop collecting.『25words』

19、So too is a curious episode in 1960 in which two priests bugged Padre Pio's confessional box and claimed to have heard him engaging in sexual congress with the "pious women" whose company he encouraged.『35words』

20、We decided not to roll them completely back, because most of the remaining players were actually honest players that just happened to do missions while the rewards were bugged, and they would have gained some loyalty points nonetheless.『38words』

