

1、Then I reapply those changes.『5words』

2、Using File level reapply preserve sections.『6words』

3、You should reapply the coat every week.『7words』

4、Previous applicants for the post need not reapply.『8words』

5、We encourage you to add more information and reapply.『9words』



6、You also need to reapply the configuration changes applied to the Web container.『13words』

7、You now have to reapply the stereotype to the package, and set the correct properties.『15words』

8、In most cases, reapply sunscreen at least every two hours while out in the sun.『15words』

9、Firstly, it is important that you wear lots of sunscreen and reapply it as necessary.『15words』

10、You can then reapply the patch to see the changes you made come back again.『15words』



11、And that it's necessary to reapply every two hours if you're outdoors, including any time spent in your car.『19words』

12、I lost my credit card. So I just want to cancel the old one a reapply for a new card.『20words』

13、However, it would be more useful to allow the end user to actually correct the problem, and reapply the updates.『20words』

14、Some Iraqis say they approve of this rush to reapply social controls.They see them as a good way to fight sectarian violence.『22words』

15、The principals of the above-mentioned construction enterprises may not reapply for construction enterprise registration within 5 years commencing from abolishment of the permit.『23words』



16、What this means is that you will have to copy the schema package into your services model and reapply the sample XSD profile.『23words』

17、Foreign bank Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) custodians need to reapply for QDII custodians' approval, whereas local bank QFII automatically qualify for QDII.『23words』

18、Many people also don't use sunscreen properly—applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long.『24words』

19、There can probably be no going back: any attempt to reapply the dead hand of government will ensure that Vietnam's dream of riches by 2020 remains just a dream.『29words』

20、Be sure to apply sunscreen, or just use your facial moisturizer with SPF, all the way down past your neck though your chest each morning and reapply during the day as necessary.『32words』

