hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子(20句)

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子

1、sloping hearth furnace『3words』

2、nonconducting hearth furnace『3words』

3、resistive hearth furnace『3words』

4、basic open hearth furnace『4words』

5、utilization coefficient of open-hearth furnace『5words』

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子(20句)

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子

6、slag fertilizer of open hearth furnace『6words』

7、shape and dimension of refractory bricks for open-hearth furnace『9words』

8、Later added 2 open hearth furnaces for producing steel castings.『10words』

9、The design features of roller hearth furnace heat treat production line with nitrogen based atmosphere are introduced.『17words』

10、Moreover on the basis of mathematical model of roller hearth furnace, achieves computer optimal controlling of roller hearth heat - treating furnace.『22words』

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子(20句)

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子

11、The advanced technology and equipment of roller-hearth furnace in CSP production line of Handan Iron and Steel Company are narrated and discussed.『22words』

12、An on-line optimizing control and management of processing of roller-hearth furnace have been realized in the rolling plant using PCS7 control system.『22words』

13、Rotary hearth furnace methods were introduced emphatically. Large-scale production of this technology has not yet reached the mature stage, but has good prospects for development.『25words』

14、White-hot liquid iron is run off through the tapping hole and then is taken to the converter, open-hearth furnace or electric furnace to be made pure.『26words』

15、Pass splendid specimens of Anglo Norman architecture, pass pedestrians and pederasts, open hearth furnaces, basic Bessemer mills, dynamos and transformers, pig iron castings and steel ingots.『26words』

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子(20句)

hearth furnace造句,用hearth furnace怎么造句子

16、The status of the utilization of iron-bearing dust and mortar is presented and the prossessing of dust and mortar with mortar injection and rotary hearth furnace technologies discussed.『28words』

17、Continuous car type furnace was used in iron ore reduction successfully. The contents of with rotary hearth furnace are as more than 92% metallization and about 90% total iron.『29words』

18、I think the second way to classify steels is simple. By refining methods steels can be divided into three classes: open-hearth furnace steel, converter steel, and electric furnace steel.『29words』

19、The tube bloom made by this method has given out the same physical and chemical test results as that made by basic open-hearth furnace + vacuum degassing process + ESR process.『31words』

20、The authors describe the constituent of hydraulic control system and the design of PLC software for some large roller hearth furnace with PLCs as its control centre for annealing bearing RACES.『31words』

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