

1、Emerson's oration was disjointed.『4words』

2、One who delivers an oration.『5words』

3、deliver an oration in grandiloquent style.『6words』

4、This was the groundwork of his oration.『7words』

5、President Obama will be delivered the funeral oration.『8words』



6、It is not necessary to set down the rest of the oration.『12words』

7、There is no doubt that the author of LV Da-lin's funeral oration was Lu Dafang.『15words』

8、Encyclical funeral oration after carved stone, still stand today east streams Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane.『15words』

9、Every Saturday night a meeting is held, in which there are oration, declamation, dialogue, and debate.『16words』

10、The opening lines of Machiavelli’sdedication recall the classical oration To Nicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.『17words』



11、The funeral oration is an old custom and tradition in ancient Greece, it was very typical in Athens.『18words』

12、willmost please him: the opening lines of Machiavelli’sdedication recall the classical oration ToNicoles composed by the Greek rhetorician Isocrates.『19words』

13、Mr. Pickwick's oration upon this occasion, together with the debate thereon, is entered on the Transaction of the club.『19words』

14、If he was first in war, as was said in his funeral oration, he was also first in peace.『19words』

15、The offshore self-managed oilfields of the China offshore oil oration shall implement the Circular in accordance with thee-mentioned stipulations.『19words』



16、During the five minutes or so that Mr. Chillip devoted to the delivery of this oration, my aunt eyed him narrowly.『21words』

17、And upon a day appointed, Herod being arrayed in kingly apparel, sat in the judgment seat, and made an oration to them.『22words』

18、 According to the custom of their hometown, the day of the funeral of the elder sister, the family of the niece and nephew should write a funeral oration.『29words』

19、It's a thing of no great difficulty to raise objections against another man's oration-nay, it is a very easy matter; but to produce a better in its place is a work extremely troublesome. --Plutarch『34words』

20、Fan Po-wen delivered himself of this oration as if he was anxious to free himself of the stigma of "romantic poet," but for all that, Wu Sun-fu's dislike of the poet was in no way lessened; in fact, it made him dislike him all the more.『46words』


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