

1、To annul or make void; invalidate.『6words』

2、The contract is annul by the court.『7words』

3、To revoke or annul(a decision or decree, for example.『9words』

4、The effect of the statute was to annul this covenant.『10words』

5、Our sales keeps a high annul growth of more than 50%.『11words』



6、It has upon it a stain that technology cannot annul or override.『12words』

7、For no man's law, no vow, can annul the commandment and ordinance of God.『14words』

8、You are a man who has enough courage to annul a wrong and mistaken action.『15words』

9、(13) To alter or annul inappropriate orders, directives and regulations issued by the ministries or commissions;『16words』

10、When Pope Clement VII refused to annul the marriage, Henry defied him by assuming supremacy over religious matters.『18words』



11、A decision on whether to annul the marriage would be taken at a hearing next month, he said.『18words』

12、(14) To alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders issued by local organs of state administration at different levels;『19words』

13、Artemisia annul, which grows in the whole nation, is often used for curing such diseases as icterus, ague and fever.『20words』

14、It cannot fire women or unilaterally annul their labor contracts on the pretext of marriage, pregnancy, maternity leave or baby nursing.『21words』

15、British couple have been forced to annul their marriage by the High Court - after they found out that they were twins.『22words』



16、“13)to revise or annul the inappropriate orders, directives and regulations issued by both central government and local governments at various levels; "『22words』

17、Because of these increased profits, we were able to increase your annul dividend payments per share of the 50 cents paid over the last 10 years.『26words』

18、The private Suzhou HaoShi Knitting Co. Ltd is involved an investrment of9 million yuan and has500 employees. The companyhas450 different types of knitting machines with an annul production of700,000 germents.『30words』

19、He says Israel is considering a variety of responses but declined to elaborate.Lieberman has earlier suggested that Israel could annul past peace agreements or annex parts of the West Bank.『30words』

20、The book remains at rest or, in physical terminology, in static equilibrium not because there are no forces acting on it but because the forces which do act on it annul one another.『33words』

