

1、I got all needy AD clingy.『6words』

2、But being psychologically clingy is even worse.『7words』

3、Maybe I wouldn't be if you weren't so clingy.『9words』

4、A very clingy child can drive a parent to distraction.『10words』

5、You probably aren't their only friend, so don't be clingy.『10words』



6、He thought I was too clingy and asked me to chill out.『12words』

7、The children she sees are clingy, rude, destructive or attention-seeking, and much else besides.『14words』

8、Two legs and right, try to involve first to bed face, back is clingy implantation.『15words』

9、Some undergo sharp changes in temperament, becoming unusually aggressive with their handlers, or clingy and timid.『16words』

10、Today season trousers is haler and forthright, clipping of cultivate one's morality but be not clingy body.『17words』



11、By "clingy," I don't mean physically touchy-feely - although women can be turned off by such behavior.『17words』

12、I am so clingy to make them less than a day at home send me to go shopping.『18words』

13、Both of these signs enjoy their independence, so they understand each other's needs, and no one will be clingy.『19words』

14、Taylor pulled another quick change, this time showing off her lithe figure in a pair of red shorts and clingy blue top.『22words』

15、While, it can be nice to receive attention from a girl, someone who's life revolves around her guy will be way too clingy.『23words』



16、Basically, she does not complain that you have sixty dozen things on your to do list. She allows you time for yourself without being clingy or complaining.『27words』

17、EPS producers are the bacteria that dominate in Finnish viili, which is so clingy that you can stretch it a foot or more between bowl and lifted spoon.『28words』

18、Their revealing gowns and clingy dresses might not appear to offer much room for expansion, but celebrities tucked into a delicious three-course meal at the Golden Globes last night.『29words』

19、You're psychologically clingy when you never leave her side when you're walking around the department store, or when you keep asking if she likes you or if you're her type.『30words』

20、And this isn't about not making time for seeing each other, it's just that you've reached a point in your relationship when you've realized the difference about being there and being clingy.『32words』

