

1、Might be time for a reformat.『6words』

2、Click to reformat the grid using current Settings.『8words』

3、Can I reformat my iPod and install something else?『9words』

4、Makes everyone who will follow after you nervous and they will need reformat it.『14words』

5、The foreach loop in PHP makes it easy to reformat this array for HTML display.『15words』



6、Reproduction includes the right to copy the work and the right to reformat the work.『15words』

7、Human memory does not work like computer memory. There is no way to reformat the past.『16words』

8、So subtle spacings like those shown above tend to get lost after you reformat the code.『16words』

9、There is information on the disk. Do you want to reformat the disk and erase the information?『17words』

10、I assume that I should reformat the file from a CSV into something else... maybe a SQL database?『18words』



11、However, when the data is retrieved from the repository, you want to reformat it to be readable, using commas.『19words』

12、Sometimes the only thing you can do is call it quits, reformat your hard drive, and reinstall your OS.『19words』

13、Operations called transforms typically take data from the input message and reformat it for use in the output message.『19words』

14、At least with Windows, you could reformat your PC and install Linux or any number of other PC-compatible operating systems.『20words』

15、You decided that it's time to reformat and reinstall your computer's operating system so that it will start fresh and fast.『21words』



16、Use the "page set up" function in your word processing software to select the correct size paper and automatically reformat your document.『22words』

17、You could also reformat the date for your locale, or get fancy and format it based on the locale the browser reports it's from.『24words』

18、You have chosen to reformat the hard drive of the computer that you are setting up. This will erase all information on the hard drive.『25words』

19、Ideally, in order to reformat each line, AlignAssignments would use the built-in substitute function, and replace everything up to the operator with a printf'd rearrangement of that text.『28words』

20、But these will take a lot of thought on the part of sites — the decision on how reformat content for different devices is not something that a machine can figure out.『32words』

