

1、I have been racking my head.『6words』

2、On one occasion Zeus suffered a racking headache.『8words』

3、He had no thoughts save for the nerve-racking, body - destroying toil.『12words』

4、I've been racking my brains to think of some way to kill time.『13words』

5、The shuttle carrier system and guide rail are arranged in both sides of racking『14words』



6、With a sagging property market, US realtors are racking their brains to get a home sold.『16words』

7、“Oh, I can't do that! I might break a nail or something." Talk about racking fragile!『16words』

8、There were no sweaty TV debates with the prime minister or nerve-racking interviews with heavyweight journalists.『16words』

9、This may account for some of the well-established international brands racking their brains over China's rural market.『17words』

10、But at present, Buick is racking its brains to enhance its appeal to Gina, a young car buyer.『18words』



11、Clever use of storage maximizes productivity, with perforated peg boards on the walls and a lightweight modular racking system beneath.『20words』

12、Product display: workstation, cabinet, tool cart, plastic bin, parts box, shelving, racking, flow rack, pick to light system, and creform system.『21words』

13、It is featured with convenient installation, light and handy structure, elegant appearance, has enough racking force to the conductor, with reliable contact.『22words』

14、All states, except tiny Vermont, now require their annual operating budgets to be balanced, which limits the racking up of debt over time.『23words』

15、The YVECOURT wines are made in accordance with the traditional method.Maceration then pressing followed by slight racking of the must.Alcoholic fermentation in temperature-controlled vats at 18℃.『26words』



16、Similarly, investors with a strong emotional reaction to market swings often buy and sell at the wrong time and may trade more, thus racking up hefty investment costs.『28words』

17、Is nerve-racking panic-stricken the heart main startled, but hides the god young child spiritedly timid, wisdom not sufficient, if sees the thing exceptionally, or hears the special sound.『28words』

18、But it might also encourage the conferees to play to the gallery, a nerve-racking prospect for Wall Street given the surge in anti-bank sentiment over the course of this year.『30words』

19、Wildly she was racking her brain to decide whether she should sit still when the others left the room or follow, and ask some one where the Freshmen went first.『30words』

20、She was crying openly now, sobs racking her body, her tears dissolving the amber matrix into which her grief had been frozen, suspended, for the past six years and two weeks.『31words』

