

1、People sometimes lie to pollsters, however.『6words』

2、Most pollsters ignored them until early last year.『8words』

3、People tell pollsters they trust him more than anyone.『9words』

4、The result is a shock to most political experts and pollsters.『11words』

5、There is less pressure to lie to pollsters than there was even a decade ago.『15words』



6、More than 90% of Indians and Chinese tell pollsters that they are optimistic about the future. 『17words』

7、In certain, rare circumstances voters do not tell pollsters the truth, more out of embarrassment than mendacity.『17words』

8、In January last year a majority of Americans started telling pollsters that invading Iraq had been a mistake.『18words』

9、This is more than a tautological about people's mood when asked about their feelings by pollsters or economists.『18words』

10、This is more than a tautological observation about people's mood when asked about their feelings by pollsters or economists.『19words』



11、Many voters tell pollsters that higher taxes are not the way to fix Britain's deficit—but neither are spending cuts.『19words』

12、Brazilian pollsters may be making it even harder than necessary by neglecting to ask respondents whether they actually intend to vote.『21words』

13、Asked by pollsters whether they think murderers should be put to death, two-thirds of Americans say yes, down from four-fifths in 1994.『22words』

14、We are a nation of animal lovers: Fully 97 percent of us tell pollsters that we believe animals should be protected from abuse.『23words』

15、Almost 60% of Americans tell pollsters that they are opposed to giving money to carmakers and Banks that are in danger of collapsing.『23words』



16、In an election that many pollsters describe as an unpopularity contest, it does not take much to swing the mood of independent voters.『23words』

17、Further probing by the pollsters indicated that many thought the student protests would not effect change but that they were the only means by which students could register their dissent.『30words』

18、One proposal, to make alternative investors borrow less and reveal more, has prompted two-fifths of the hedge-fund managers surveyed to tell pollsters they would move if it were adopted unaltered.『30words』

19、However, in 2007, when the pollsters posed a more detailed question that explained the environmental benefits and safety risks of nuclear power, 61% said its share of the energy market should be cut.『33words』

20、A series of television and newspaper polls suggest a close race between the three front-runners and pollsters think the result is likely to be settled in a run-off a week after the first vote.『34words』


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