

1、Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis『5words』

2、Conflicts over Indigenization in the Japanese Jesuit History;『8words』

3、I was a freshman at an all-boys Jesuit high school.『10words』

4、The Jesuit pedagogy therefore stresses the fact of responsibility for others and for the world.『15words』

5、One of the two outsiders invited to the discussions was an Arab Jesuit with uncompromising views.『16words』



6、Saint Joseph's University is one of the oldest and largest Jesuit universities in the United States.『16words』

7、I took logic from Otto Hentz, a Jesuit who had not yet been ordained as a priest.『17words』

8、But computer hackers might give the kids some competition, according to Antonio Spadaro, an Italian Jesuit priest.『17words』

9、The first ever mention of using the cinchona bark was in official records of community of Jesuit missionaries.『18words』

10、The Rev. James Martin, Jesuit priest, culture editor of America magazine and author of “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything”『20words』



11、In the Jesuit tradition, we will help you find your leadership potential while strengthening your grounding in ethics and social responsibility.『21words』

12、In 1645 China adopted a new, controversial calendar that had been prepared under the direction of the Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell.『22words』

13、Juris Doctorate - Creighton University Jesuit School of Law, Nebraska (USA); Bachelor of Arts - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).『23words』

14、The Ming Dynasty, which fought the Manchus, employed Jesuit priests to cast cannons that were more advanced than the Chinese had at that time.『24words』

15、Cardinal Bergoglio from Argentina, who is a Jesuit, first Jesuit Pope, and he is famous in his home country for the simplicity of his life.『25words』



16、I recommended to one charming person that he reread Baltasar Gracian, who, as you know, was a Jesuit living at the turn of the sixteenth century.『26words』

17、Her novel, the Naked Name of love, is about a young Jesuit priest who is taught how to love by a gifted shaman woman on the eastern steppes of Mongolia.『30words』

18、According to Tang Ruowang of the Jesuit Church, before Shunzhi's death, the emperor once wanted to pass the throne to Yue Le because he was young, but was later dissuaded by him.『32words』

19、Father John Dear, a Jesuit Priest from New Mexico, explains: "Many Christians who agree that harming a dog or cat is wrong think nothing of harming cows, pigs, chickens, fish and other creatures."『33words』

20、The massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador in November brought to center stage the failure of U.S. aassistance to end political killings by the Salvadoran Army.『33words』

