

1、What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes?『10words』

2、The name Bora Bora evokes images of a mythic paradise.『10words』

3、King Arthur is one of the great mythic figures of English literature.『12words』

4、Creating a mythic poetic world, mythic archetypal symbol leaves much room to imagination.『13words』

5、The image might be a statue, a beautiful person, or a mythic beast.『13words』



6、At the level of our collective mind, I think our mythic realities are changing.『14words』

7、In literature, Goethe's Faust is a mythic German alchemist who made a deal with the devil.『16words』

8、They are people who manage to transcend celebrity, who are legendary, who somehow manage to become mythic.『17words』

9、It's still one of the mythic feats of medicine transplanting the organs of one human being to another.『18words』

10、Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.『19words』



11、So, first he makes America mythic, rather than specific, and then he enters into that mythology through ACTS of identification.『20words』

12、Some seem to think that being picked to put on the 2024 Summer Games is entwined with mythic world-class status.『20words』

13、Sources are drawn from popular culture to iconic art and literature to provide a myriad of settings both mythic and surreal.『21words』

14、The painting shows the two mythic Pythons and the stripes of the Zebra Finch. Also shown are "Kunatja", white hot mythic hailstones.『22words』

15、A mythic tale like this has no doubt added to the mystery of the hotspring and made it more attractive to tourists.『22words』



16、We stop to haggle with a vendor over five nonfunctional dummy iPhones (in mythic white) that I want to buy as gag gifts for friends back home.『27words』

17、As a result, the kaijus that appear in literature and pop culture are seen as "a mythic *personification of natural destructive forces", American writer Patrick Macias told the BBC.『29words』

18、For the mythic Le Mans 24 Hour race, TAG Heuer equips the Audi Sport team with award-winning Squadra Night Vision – the world's first opthalmic shield with integrated corrective lenses.『30words』

19、Ascribing the discovery of tea to a revered former leader is a characteristically Confucian gesture-it puts power in the hands of the ancestors and links the present day to the mythic past.『32words』

20、He is known to the Egyptians as Thoth, the" Lord of Magic and Time"- to the Greeks as Hermes,' Messenger of the Gods"- and to the Celtics as the enigmatic wizard Merlin, who disappears up an apple tree to mythic Avalon, seeking the secret of immortality and vowing to return.『50words』

