call off造句,用call off怎么造句子(20句)

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子

1、Jack demands that Victor call off the mission.『8words』

2、Since the weather is bad, let's call off the trip.『10words』

3、Rufus: Do you want me to call off this wedding?『10words』

4、Since you can't reduce price, we might call off the deal as well.『13words』

5、After returning to Hunan, Zhu wanted to call off the publication of Lady Chatterley's Lover.『15words』

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子(20句)

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子

6、But the Russians refused to call off the attack, and fighting went on for weeks.『15words』

7、Gan said China would finally call off the system with the development of its market economy.『16words』

8、Rescue teams had to call off the search because of heavy fighting near the crash site in Savannakhet province.『19words』

9、The only loud dissenter was Venezuela, whose envoy urged America and its allies to call off “invasion plans against Libya”.『20words』

10、In other words, call off the search for the Milky Way's missing baby black holes, they may never have existed.『20words』

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子(20句)

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子

11、You have to guarantee a shipment date of two weeks, or we will just have to call off the whole deal.『21words』

12、If they call off Friday's attempt close to the planned launch time, it is likely another attempt will not be made until Sunday.『23words』

13、By the 21st, with too many ships sunk and damaged, the Germans call off the attacks and Riga is saved from bombardment from the sea.『25words』

14、Aware that there would be trouble in the markets the following day, Sants told the London Clearing House to call off a planned software change to its systems.『28words』

15、The strong man scorned Mrs. Liu's slippery face and chose the beautiful young woman from the carriage to call off the carriage. Holly was naturally among the choices.『28words』

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子(20句)

call off造句,用call off怎么造句子

16、But according to the merger memorandum signed in November, Iberia can call off the wedding if BA cannot reach a satisfactory agreement with the trustees of its two pension funds.『30words』

17、The U.S. Defense Secretary said no decision has been made to call off the operation, dubbed Caring Response, but he said it may be matter of days before the ships are called back.『33words』

18、An indication of the way the wind is blowing came in July when T. Boone Pickens, an oilman turned clean-energy entrepreneur, decided to call off plans for the world's biggest wind farm, in Texas.『34words』

19、Parents of the deaths felt as if a knife were being twisted in their hearts,they earnestly requested President Bush to call off battles at an early date,so as to avoid the recurrence of more tragedies.『35words』

20、They usually start work at eight early in the morning, go off work at five in the after noon after working eight hours, so we often call office workers "those who leave at eight in the morning and return at five in the afternoon".『44words』

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