

1、a learned jurist; an erudite professor.『6words』

2、a person of intellectual or erudite tastes.『7words』

3、He was never dull, always erudite and well informed.『9words』

4、She wrote in an original and highly erudite style.『9words』

5、He was scholarly, erudite, well read and an adroit writer.『10words』



6、Yihe was amiable to everyone, very expansive, erudite, possessing remarkable view.『11words』

7、Fudan University School Motto: "erudite and Atsushi, cut near the question thinking";『12words』

8、He can only amaze the ignorant and wake the laughter of the erudite.『13words』

9、The real knowledgeable not always know erudite information and the person of knowing erudite not always have knowledge.『18words』

10、Most of men of letters in the late Tang Dynasty advocated a kind of erudite custom of literary studies.『19words』



11、Carly was affected by her mother, learned from her mother strong, erudite and love life, and benefit from life.『19words』

12、He was an erudite wit at the kal geons dinner table and, as the reader now sees, in his letters.『20words』

13、The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed, its more erudite members refer to him often.『22words』

14、A computer is an erudite tutor, and a talented secretary who can draw up documents, manage data, design blueprints, type papers and so on.『24words』

15、As Alessandro Scafi shows in his erudite history of the Christian effort to map paradise, pre-modern mapmakers focused on spiritual navigation, not the secular kind.『25words』



16、Great university here means not a university with greatest and most magnificent buildings but where there are great masters of knowing erudite always have real knowledge.『26words』

17、Half way up the Mengshan Mountains, there is a courtyard with several tiled houses. This is a private school run by an erudite Mr. Zhang Lao in the village.『29words』

18、Among the most erudite conservative authors and political thinkers of her time, the sum total of Isabel Mary Paterson's formal education consisted of two years in a tiny log schoolhouse.『30words』

19、Miss Jenny's motto goes first be a good man, then be a useful man. The foundation of a man is a correct world-outlook, a noble ambition, a stubborn persistence and an erudite of knowledge.『34words』

