equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子(19句)

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子

1、Money can be equated to dream.『6words』

2、Love and faith can be equated to.『7words』

3、Spiritual knowledge can be equated to consciousness or awareness.『9words』

4、Synergy can be equated to being at peace within oneself.『10words』

5、Production costs for the movie equated to around 30% of income.『11words』

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子(19句)

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子

6、Once upon a time these equated to the old groupings of aristocracy,merchants and workers.『14words』

7、This equated to only 28,000 humans worldwide that existed much of this 25,000-year period.『14words』

8、The company said that the JA Solar order equated to total annual output of approximately 1.5gw.『16words』

9、According to the United Kingdom's Press Association, the pattern of streets equated to an area the size of Wales.『19words』

10、It can be equated to going against the law of the wild, which disturbs the natural equilibrium of mankind.『19words』

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子(19句)

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子

11、Black, brown and gray can be equated to the emotions of depression, pain, anger, fear, terror, greed and lust.『19words』

12、Having multiple streams of income can be equated to McDonalds serving chicken sandwiches even though they're a burger joint.『19words』

13、For Oa this equated to a choice to live or die and whether or not he would die for the big gurus currently incarnate.『24words』

14、Iranian attendance at the events, Ros-Lehtinen said, could be equated to fraternizing with the oppressors of people in Iran who yearn to live free.『24words』

15、The two semibridge were equal in full span and zero pressure output value was equated to zero nearly by adjusting zero pressure output and full span.『26words』

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子(19句)

equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子

16、The electronic (computer) copy with all signatures and seales of the participants of the given document is valid and is equated to lawful force of the original.『27words』

17、The intension of reduce rank is that the time constant of current-ring is regulated to the best of minimum, and low frequency signal is equated to common proportional component.『29words』

18、A 12 percent reduction equated to one fewer case of cancer for every 2,200 women who used the pill for a year, the study published by the British Medical Journal showed.『31words』

19、This end result of this experience - in many circles referred to as, "The March of Zeros" - equated to a 1 New Peso equal to 100, 000, 000, 000 Pre - '83 Pesos.『34words』

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