

1、这家超大型跨国集团还拥有德比尔斯钻石公司(De Beers)的大量股份。『2words』

2、周五,奥本海默家族将其持有的钻石矿业公司德比尔斯(De Beers) 40%的股份出售给英美资源公司(Anglo American),据称后者涉及更为严重的继承问题。『4words』

3、Beers with more hops naturally had more silicon they found.『10words』

4、Polyphenols in Beers and the Relationship between Polyphenols and Beer;『10words』

5、De Beers ceased all operations in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in 2003.『13words』



6、Russia quietly passed a milestone this year: surpassing De Beers as the world's largest diamond producer.『16words』

7、By the time Rhodes died in 1902, DE Beers controlled 90% of the world's diamond production.『16words』

8、Russia assumed the task as De Beers has principally shifted to promoting its own branded gems.『16words』

9、Diamond prices are rebounding after a slump that slashed profits at ZAO Alrosa, Rio and De Beers.『17words』

10、Until last year, De Beers produced about 40 percent of the global rough stone supply, and Alrosa 25 percent.『19words』



11、This diamond ring created by artisans at diamond giant De Beers exemplifies the use of gemstones in fine jewelry.『19words』

12、The Oppenheimers may have decided that De Beers is past its prime, and opted to turn their “glass with attitude” into cash.『22words』

13、Class 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages.『23words』

14、But DE Beers, which is prohibited under its European Union antitrust agreement from stockpiling, closed mines in response to the glut in rough stones.『24words』

15、After De Beers set up its "searching-houses" in March 1883, its diamond production rose significantly, showing that there had been a hemorrhage of diamonds from the workings.『27words』



16、Natural-diamond merchants claim they aren't worried, but DE Beers has made a device that can distinguish between the natural stones and the synthetics and is distributing it to jewelers.『29words』

17、I am confident that both De Beers, you, and we members of the DJ industry well benefit from the time we spend together over the next day and a half.『30words』

18、It agreed to pay the Oppenheimer family (see article) $5.1 billion for their 40% stake in De Beers, the world’s leading diamond miner, to add to the 45% that Anglo already owns.『32words』

19、“Top-fermented Beers, popular in Britain, include ale, stout, and porter; they are characterized by a prominent head of released carbon dioxide, a sharper and more strongly hopped flavour than lagers, and an alcohol content of 4-6.5% by volume."『38words』


上一篇:equated to造句,用equated to怎么造句子(19句)