

1、The hand played a jaunty twostep.『6words』

2、The happy children walked with jaunty steps.『7words』

3、His own signature: a jaunty white hat.『7words』

4、One large room is hung with jaunty linoleum prints.『9words』

5、His full mustache curled upward in a jaunty, arrogant way.『10words』



6、It's a jaunty little number and he sings it with feeling.『11words』

7、Today, under his jaunty stage name, he is aleading actor and game-show host.『13words』

8、This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness.『15words』

9、And yet Mr Bush does not allow his list of regrets to tarnish a jaunty self-assessment.『16words』

10、They are like oracular messages, but witty-jaunty at times-and sometimes trembling on the edge of whimsy.『16words』



11、Spanish people are very jaunty and tropical that almost all of the women can dance the flamenco.『17words』

12、The 8 jaunty music contrasts with the almost expressionless face of the groom, as he walks through a shower of rose petals.『22words』

13、Carrie had thought of going for a walk, and had put on a light grey woollen dress with a jaunty double-breasted jacket.『22words』

14、He pursued his course with the usual jaunty swagger which distinguished his steps, so that he and his companion were speedily distanced by Pen and Miss Fanny.『27words』

15、looking chipper, like a man...diverted by his own wit- Frances G. Patton; life that is gay, brisk, and debonair- H.M.Reynolds; walked with a jaunty step; a jaunty optimist.『28words』



16、Then my focus changes and beyond that green iron wall of plus signs — just across the lane — I see a jaunty woman wearing a cliche of lingerie.『29words』

17、The photos include a black-and-white headshot of the future Monroe wearing a jaunty beret, another of her in a halter top and a color picture of her smiling in a striped bikini on the sand.『35words』

18、One fine day, up the hill which led to the inn came four sailor lads, with their trousers a swinging, and their jaunty caps aslant on their heads, and their bundles slung on their backs.『35words』

19、He chose a bowler hat[2], slightly too small for him, a tight jacket, outsize pants, enormous boots and a jaunty[3] little swagger cane-- the Little Tramp. And he had picked up the toes-out shuffle watching an old drunk when he was a child.『43words』

