1、Where did all that gunk come from?『7words』
2、Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.『8words』
3、Beck found the trick to turning the green gunk into gold-cancer fighting gold.『13words』
4、And do they wash it all, or are the sides covered with dried gunk?『14words』
5、This is especially useful for car Windows which can get tough buildups of gunk.『14words』
6、Close the gunk flashboard and shot out all the plastics in the barrel under manual condition.『16words』
7、Other researchers also focused on mixing phenol and formaldehyde, which turned into a sticky mess of gunk.『17words』
8、The Research on the Treatment of Wastewater Come from Interception of Inon-gunk in Dabaoshan with Nanofiltration Membrane『17words』
9、At the moment excess gunk runs off into rivers, gathers in lakes and produces toxic blooms of algae.『18words』
10、Road transport produces most of both types of gunk: 83% of the fine particles and 46% of the nitrogen pollution.『20words』
11、We can then speculate that a lot of gunk collects on shark pelvises as they go about their daily business.『20words』
12、To Baekeland and others aiming to find commercial opportunities in the nascent electrical industry, that gunk was a signpost pointing toward something great.『23words』
13、Check the oil filter to see if it is plugged up with gunk. A clogged oil filter can also result in low oil pressure.『24words』
14、Researchers in academia and in the drug industry have been exploring the use of antibodies to clear the brain of gunk associated with Alzheimer's.『24words』
15、Or, like me, you can go back and forth, alternatively scraping off the accumulated gunk and making yourself more accessible by taking on more of it.『26words』
16、Some scientists now think that each time you work out, the postexercise boost in HDL may help sweep your blood vessels clear of some of the artery-clogging gunk.『28words』
17、The only way speculation can have a persistent effect on oil prices, then, is if it leads to physical hoarding - an increase in private inventories of black gunk.『29words』
18、The gunk on the beak of this satin bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus minor) is plant matter, which he mashed up to paint his bower's inner sanctum in a rain forest in Queensland, Australia.『32words』
19、If the stars seem a little less bright and the skies less clear later this year, then part of the reason will be the Gobi gunk that has been blown into the Earth's atmosphere over the past few days.『39words』