

1、He uttered a snorting laugh.『5words』

2、We see him snorting and mainlining cocaine.『7words』

3、He said no and left when everyone began snorting.『9words』

4、a coke - snorting arbitrageur who's an irrepressible lech(bPauline Kael)『10words』

5、a coke - snorting arbitrageur who's an irrepressible lech(Pauline Kael)『10words』



6、Diao was down on all fours, snorting and pawing like a bull.『12words』

7、His mother confirms she found her son snorting Xanax earlier in the day.『13words』

8、Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting『14words』

9、A little knot of people collected on the footpath to pay homage to the snorting motor.『16words』

10、When the bear scrambled out, snorting and angry, the hunters would lean around the tree and shoot it.『18words』



11、English colonels would stamp round india for years snorting with contempt and return home to join the theosophical society.『19words』

12、And then the horse began snorting and rearing and she said: 'Get out of here! Can't you see he's nervous, the big darling?『23words』

13、Finally, he was awoken by the sound of snorting reindeer. A group of Laps had arrived, and under German fire, they dragged him to Sweden.『25words』

14、We make these panting, grunting, snorting noises when we are trying on purpose to laugh, usually for a social purpose, such as to ease conversation or make friends.『28words』

15、From Dan is heard the snorting of his horses; At the sound of the neighing of his stallions The whole land quakes; For they come and devour the land and its fullness, The city and its inhabitants.『37words』



16、Reds striker Robbie Fowler, known to Kop fans as God, showed he could be a bit of a devil as he celebrated a goal against Everton by getting down on all fours and miming the act of snorting cocaine.『39words』

17、Gladly availing himself of this opportunity, the coachman leaped from his box; but Ali had promptly seized the nostrils of the second horse, and held them in his iron grasp, till the beast, snorting with pain, sunk beside his companion.『40words』

18、The snorting of his horses was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones; for they are come, and have devoured the land, and all that is in it; the city, and those that dwell therein.『45words』

