

1、I vacillated for a long time between medicine and seminary.『10words』

2、You've been a long way from the seminary , my friend.『11words』

3、Joined the diocesan minor seminary of Ka-ying for his secondary education.『11words』

4、He spent a year studying English and then attended college and seminary.『12words』

5、Many of them have become Christians, gone to seminary, and now serve in churches in these regions.『17words』



6、Arthur sat in the library of the theological seminary at Pisa, looking through a pile of manuscript sermons.『18words』

7、After entering the minor seminary, he learnt to play organ and served as resident organist until his final graduation.『19words』

8、Unlike his back-slapping father, he still bore traces of the Jesuit seminary where he had once studied to become a priest.『21words』

9、His mother had only the day before returned from Marysville, where she had been looking up a seminary for the little tad.『22words』

10、The seminary is of enormous symbolic importance. It is the ideological cradle of Israel's settler movement and has provided many of its leading figures.『24words』



11、A seminary professor plays the tapes of a local radio preacher who quotes the Bible regularly, reminding people to practice punctuality, good parenting, and business propriety.『26words』

12、The economics department seemed akin to the modern equivalent of a seminary: not only did it write the creed-shaping western thinking, but it produced the priesthood too.『27words』

13、“Spiritual has, in some sense, come to mean 'my own personal religion with my own individual creed,'" Timothy Paul Jones, a Baptist seminary professor, told the Louisville Courier-Journal.『28words』

14、Though I am a preacher, a professor of historical theology, and the provost of a theological seminary, I have found it agonizingly difficult to come to terms with my brother's death.『31words』

15、But instead I entered what I expected would be temporary employment at a bank. After remaining for 17 years in the banking business, I went to seminary and then became a pastor.『32words』



16、So how do you feel call to this, but how did you like to say, I remember when I told my parents I was going to seminary, So I think there is a similar identity.『35words』

17、The homes belong to the families of a man who gunned down eight Jewish seminary students in March and the man who killed three Israelis on Wednesday with a bulldozer in the heart of Jerusalem.『35words』

18、The ardor of Lulu, the pride of having his own church, the pleasure of watching Frank Shallard puff in agony over the hand-car, all these did not make up to Elmer for his boredom in seminary classes from Monday to Friday『41words』

