

1、He was slurping his tea.『5words』

2、Mom told my little brother to stop slurping his juice.『10words』

3、He took a sip of tea making a slurping noise.『10words』

4、Try to copy the slurping sound of people around you.『10words』

5、Yeah I do actually. And this drink's great! (slurping his drink).『11words』



6、You know, Charlotte, I'm glad you mentioned my habit of slurping.『11words』

7、She smiled while slurping the inky noodles, while dissecting the antennaed prawns.『12words』

8、Tip: the slurping technique is another one that takes practice but is very important.『14words』

9、In Japan, using the elevator politely is as much a part of Japanese common sense as bowing and slurping.『19words』

10、In Japan, most commonly when eating noodles and soups, slurping shows your appreciation of the food to the chef.『19words』



11、When eating in this Asian country, forget what your mother taught you about having good manners and not slurping.『19words』

12、Lead the noodles with your chopsticks step by step into your mouth, while sucking them in with a controlled slurping sound.『21words』

13、ONE morning last month in an airy hall at the Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil, the only sound to be heard was a chorus of zestfully inelegant slurping.『28words』

14、We juggle careers, family, and leisure time - slurping coffee to stay awake while we watch a TV show or finish a business report - when we should be peacefully sleeping.『31words』

15、He says you are not at home! Amongst their other big bugbears - or annoying things - are slurping drinks - that's drinking noisily - arriving late, and talking during the film.『32words』

16、You won't see any pooches posing in red-tinted Windows, but it's not out of the ordinary to find them munching on designer biscuits at a canal-side cafe, or slurping on Evian at an upmarket hotel.『35words』

17、Unfortunately, I was so exhausted after that train ride that I slept for the duration of my stay in a youth hostel near the train station, slurping ramen and watching DVDs in my few waking hours.『36words』



