

1、There is a folktale in northern China.『7words』

2、This folktale comes from the Southeastern United States.『8words』

3、Really, it's more like a fable or a folktale.『9words』

4、A Valentines' Day story adapted from a folktale of unknown origin.『11words』

5、I thought that a fairy tale was just a written version of an oral folktale.『15words』



6、This incident forms the basis of a Chinese folktale entitled "Taking Oath in the Peach Garden.『16words』

7、V. Propp emphasized the priority of Systematic description relative to Genetics in his Morphological study of folktale.『17words』

8、The ever-lasting folktale of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai shows people's identification with this point of view.『17words』

9、The movie is an adaptation of the German folktale, the Town Musicians of Bremen, first recorded by the Brothers Grimm20.『20words』

10、An African folktale about a mouse who pays close attention to her surroundings and avoids being tricked by the cat.『20words』



11、The character from folktale is a daughter who disguises herself as a male soldier to take her father's place in the conscription army.『23words』

12、Grateful animal, ungrateful man "(AT160) is a folktale which has a tremendous influence around the world and spreads widely among the nationalities in China."『24words』

13、Yang Yuhuan was a historical figure who became a literary image in later writings, including poetry, prose, fiction, drama, folktale and even fairy tale.『24words』

14、From Calvino's criticism emerge many of the themes that are woven into his own work: the image of the city, cybernetics, myth and folktale, the heroic journey.『27words』

15、Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Legend of Buddhist Jigong has been circulating so widely all over the country that almost every household knows the folktale.『27words』

16、Thee tradition of the Jack o" Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern."『29words』

17、In this cumulative Cuban folktale, a bossy rooster dirties his beak when he eats a kernel of corn and must find a way to clean it before his parrot uncle's wedding.『31words』



