

1、For many sufferers, the drugs have been a godsend.『9words』

2、For technical authors like myself, this sounds like a godsend.『10words』

3、This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.『11words』

4、The rent was due, so your cheque came as an absolute godsend『12words』

5、However, his coming had been a boon, and his presence was a godsend.『13words』



6、The evolution of the Internet is godsend for people who are in long distance relationships.『15words』

7、Pets can be a godsend for them, just as they are for all of us animal lovers.『17words』

8、For people who are housebound because of disabilities or illness, the Web can also be a godsend.『17words』

9、The house proved to be a godsend of peace and quiet, especially after I started my first campaign.『18words』

10、The marketing people see it as a godsend, being able to get feedback on how products are actually used.『19words』



11、Nurses and other workers who have to spend long hours standing have found the affordable, easy-to-clean shoes a godsend.『19words』

12、This product is a godsend. I have had cold sores for 20 years and have never had a product clear it so quickly.『23words』

13、“It is a godsend to those of us in the field, " says Michael Knowles, a medical geneticist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.『26words』

14、“I think safety surfaces are a godsend,” he said. “I suspect that parents who have to deal with concussions and broken arms wouldn't agree that playgrounds have become too safe.『30words』

15、The students are mostly from China's rapidly expanding middle class and can afford to pay full tuition a godsend for universities that have faced sharp budget cuts in recent years.『30words』

16、They're a godsend for those of us who get lost within a 3-mile radius of our homes, and they're just plain fun for people who enjoy figuring out where stuff is.『31words』

17、As soon as people saw that Xiantan stooped at the edge of the well to drink water was a godsend opportunity, they all rushed forward and pushed Xiantan to the bottom of the well.『34words』



