

1、Even in light wispy clouds.『5words』

2、Grey wispy hair straggled down to her shoulders.『8words』

3、So The White Moustache remains just a wispy little thing.『10words』

4、a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet- Edmund Wilson.『11words』

5、On Earth, white wispy cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals.『11words』



6、Jocasta Nu was a wispy, elderly human woman with a strong will.『12words』

7、Chen, a 32-year-old former duck farmer with a wispy mustache, has been running this farm for eight years.『18words』

8、Wu Sun-fu could see the speaker in profile - a long, narrow face with a wispy, drooping moustache.『18words』

9、This interstellar cloud is a wispy band of charged particles through which our solar system is slowly moving through.『19words』

10、Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy's pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy swirls danced around our heads.『19words』



11、You start walking out towards it, suddenly meandering through wispy hillocks, colorful gorse and heather, and scrapes of open sand.『20words』

12、In the foreground, a sharp image of Dione reveals the moon's "wispy" terrain-actually a system of braided canyons with bright walls.『21words』

13、They are caused when a new moon passes directly between the sun and the Earth, blocking out all but the sun's wispy corona.『23words』

14、Tall and burly, with a round face, wispy white hair, a short-cropped beard and a glint of mischief in his eye, he would now seem a natural to play Falstaff.『30words』

15、a dim figure in the distance; only a faint recollection; shadowy figures in the gloom; saw a vague outline of a building through the fog; a few wispy memories of childhood.『31words』

16、Wherever you go, it's hard for you to find a settled direction. Most of people may dissociate and lose oneself in the wispy world at last. The women and their inane eyes in the picture tell us it.『38words』

17、He seemed to see a vision of London, vast and ruinous, city of a million dustbins, and mixed up with it was a picture of Mrs Parsons, a woman with lined face and wispy hair, fiddling helplessly with a blocked waste-pipe.『41words』



