

1、Which phonemic symbols are easiest to learn?『7words』

2、Write the words in phonemic transcription, including the stress marks.『10words』

3、Phonological and phonemic awareness Phonological and phonemic awareness are closely associated with reading ability.『14words』

4、The Chinese phonemic system is complicated, only a few people can fully understand it.『14words』

5、At 6 months, infants showed phonemic specificity, but this was no longer apparent by 10?『15words』



6、The six standard tests measured memory, reasoning, vocabulary, phonemic fluency, semantic fluency and global cognitive status.『16words』

7、Distinctive features can also be found running over a sequence of two or more phonemic segments.『16words』

8、If two phonemes can occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning, they are in phonemic contrast.『17words』

9、Suprasemental features: Distinctive features can also be found over a sequence of two or more phonemic segments.『17words』

10、Phonemic contrast: similar sounds, meanwhile can be used to distinguish the two phonemes, they are said to form a phonemic contrast.『21words』



11、The kernel phonemic units which can only differentiate morpheme forms and can not be derived by rules are the base for phonemic analyse.『23words』

12、Markedness theory, one of the fundamental theories of structuralist linguistics, was put forward by the Prague school in their study of phonemic oppositions.『23words』

13、Reading has been defined as "decoding the graphic material to the phonemic patterns of spoken language which have already been mastered when reading is begun."『25words』

14、In the light of this, the present thesis adopts an empirical approach to probe into the influence of unfamiliar phonemic deviation on the English-to-Chinese consecutive interpreting.『26words』

15、These changes led to one of the major discrepancies between the phonemic representations of words and morphemes, that is, between the pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English.『29words』

16、This paper probe into Chinese phonemic character and word type language writing, and the experience and lesson in the theory and practice of language planning on the basis of fact.『30words』

17、Though I don't have counts of their phonemic inventories to hand, it seems little wonder that Japanese, with a fairly simple sound system, was the fastest in the study, and Spanish was second.『33words』



