

1、Or stood a lackey in the House of Pain.『9words』

2、[Informal] a hired thug; a lackey; a flunky; a henchman『10words』

3、 A person of slavish or unquestioning obedience; a lackey.『10words』

4、You think a guy like that would have some kind of booze lackey.『13words』

5、An accomplice or a lackey who aids in the commission of base or disreputable acts.『15words』



6、The Famen Temple, Chia Kuei is a trusted lackey of Liu Chin, a Ming Dynasty eunuch.『16words』

7、You just got him this afternoon. Yes, but I'm finding that having a lackey suits me.『16words』

8、A day, the lackey of this noble is in catharsis sparrow basket when, not careful let slip a spadger.『19words』

9、The Western press called him a lackey and dictator when he died, but Russians, who knew him, did not.『19words』

10、In the Peking opera The Famen Temple, Chia Kuei is a trusted lackey of Liu Chin, a Ming Dynasty eunuch『20words』



11、Others, though, see him as the politicians’ lackey, and his purchase of sovereign bonds has driven two German colleagues to resign.『21words』

12、Because the person is met, have vanity. So those lackey are worn with respect to evening this one defect comes to the person undertake flattering.『25words』

13、Not be now only, any moment lackey very be very popular. One is plant very modern making a way is human relation communication capability is strong.『26words』

14、The envoys had extended their visit to the South after requesting a meeting with President Lee who North Korea has traditionally denounced as a lackey and a traitor.『28words』

15、“They have very high production values and mix in enough real news to make it not appear completely lackey and prejudiced, but mostly it's very much a Kremlin propaganda effort," he says.『32words』

16、Keitel, who had never disobeyed an order from the Leader in his life, not even those commanding him to commit the vilest war crimes, said nothing further, but Jodl, less a lackey, did.『33words』

17、Report of the 3rd lackey says: Master, you give my one ingot silver, I am wrapped all the time putting in towel, I am afraid of missing, did not take all the time.『33words』



