

1、The red scarf has multiple associations in Zeng's oeuvre.『9words』

2、implementation (mise en oeuvre) of international responsibility and the settlement of disputes『12words』

3、he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre; Picasso's work can be divided into periods.『13words』

4、His whole oeuvre is quite extraordinary - if you pick out the best bits.『14words』

5、Therefore, this poem may be read as a cornerstone at the foundation of her oeuvre.『15words』



6、Liu Wei 's oeuvre consists of works in a variety of media: installation, painting, multimedia, etc.『16words』

7、With its wide-ranging reflections, this oeuvre has earned Pitanguy a place in Brazil's prestigious academy of letters.『17words』

8、One of the films in ms Fisher's oeuvre was called "Dead by Dawn". That will not be HP's fate.『19words』

9、Cheyenne Westphal (pictured above, right), European chairman of Sotheby's contemporary art, says: "Damien's auctions will become part of his oeuvre."『20words』

10、You could say that you have a preoccupation with realism with a oeuvre of films that all flirt with documentary.『20words』



11、The subject of a burning candle has fascinated Gerhard Richter in a way than no other subject has in his oeuvre.『21words』

12、Yu Youhan's extensive oeuvre combines multiple perspectives and investigates the structure of cultural identity in China through an ongoing exploration of various pictorial techniques.『24words』

13、But it's more than likely that someone will make money from the photographs, the field, or the design of these latest additions to the oeuvre.『25words』

14、Milton will only use the word career once in his poetic oeuvre and it comes — it will come pretty soon, actually, in Sonnet Number Seven.『26words』

15、The physicality that FIFA nailed so well a couple of years back is finally a part of Pro Evolution Soccer's oeuvre, and it's tied in with a new move-set.『29words』

16、So the poets keep on trying, and sooner or later the consecutive results of their self-dissatisfaction are clipped together with a giant paperclip by literary historians and called their "oeuvre" …『31words』

17、Chen's entire oeuvre is defined by his references and reserves - a mixed grab bag of material and inspiration that is open for all to see, coalescing in various forms that gather in various series.『35words』



