

1、You're getting typecast again. Stop.『5words』

2、They always typecast me as a villain.『7words』

3、She didn't want to be typecast as a dumb blonde.『10words』

4、As every actor knows, it is easy to be typecast .『11words』

5、Because you take the wrong part, you get typecast, you're dead.『11words』



6、But I know one thing for sure -i don't want to be seen as typecast.『15words』

7、The trouble for Sony, of course, is the natural reluctance of Generation X to be typecast.『16words』

8、Do you worry about being typecast, because the High School - being involved with High School Musical?『17words』

9、He says he will continue taking roles that challenge him and is determined to avoid being typecast.『17words』

10、She abandoned movies, she said, after growing tired of being typecast as “girl reporter, girl detective, girl overboard.”『18words』



11、I didn't want to be typecast and I think I've maintained a large variety in the roles I've played.『19words』

12、Using the slogan “Just Visiting”, the Conservatives typecast him as an opportunist who had returned to Canada in 2005 in pursuit of personal glory.『24words』

13、I made it quite clear that I was no longer typecast, and the people I'd worked with and the kinds of films I'd done were so varied.『27words』

14、Yet for the most part, on this planet we are typecast as either hairless dweebs with foreheads like watermelons, or else giant insects who want to eat you.『28words』

15、That partly explains why Asian actors are often typecast within certain roles in Hollywood, because those roles are most relevant to the public when they look at an Asian face.『30words』

16、I generally get challenged; I haven't been typecast, which is really, really, nice. It's not something that every actor gets, really. It's luxury. Most actors are capable of it, but they aren't afforded the opportunity to express their variety.『39words』

17、It shall have its name, the coded variety of the gun and the serial number prepared uniformly by the public security department under the State Council typecast in the designated parts of the gun; it shall not manufacture guns for civilian use without a number or with a duplicate or false number.『52words』



