

1、political prisoners and detainee『4words』

2、Hence, also, the urgent need for a coherent detainee policy.『10words』

3、One detainee was abused by guards after he lost control of his bladder.『13words』

4、Most of the latest published WikiLeaks documents are what might be called detainee personnel files.『15words』

5、The first non-American detainee at Guantánamo Bay was brought to the mainland to face trial.『15words』



6、An Iwawa island detainee standing next to a Rwandan soldier who also lives on the island.『16words』

7、The younger detainee, who wore a faint moustache, shuffled his feet nervously, not knowing what to say.『17words』

8、The people's court may decide to advance the time of release, if the detainee admits and mends his wrongdoings.『19words』

9、It discusses objective surroundings, illegal detaining and inquisition by torture, related enforcement procedures, lawyer's participation condition, endurance of detainee.『19words』

10、If interrogators shoved a detainee against a wall, his neck was to be supported "with a rolled towel to prevent whiplash".『21words』



11、We are currently in the process of reviewing each of the detainee cases at Guantánamo to determine the appropriate policy for dealing with them.『24words』

12、Hence the howls of anguish from human-rights activists who once thought Mr Obama was their man. Hence, also, the urgent need for a coherent detainee policy.『26words』

13、The detainee had his hands bound... the footage shows the IA soldiers moving the detainee into the street, pushing him to the ground, punching him and shooting him.『28words』

14、By mid-2007, it was much more likely that a given detainee had been at least a low-level threat — for example, someone paid to stand guard for insurgents.『28words』

15、On 3 December 2008 another detainee, said by police to have died of "bad kidneys", was found to have "evidence of some type of unknown surgical procedure on [his] abdomen".『30words』

16、Meanwhile, plans were made to bring to trial for the first time in a civilian court in the United States a detainee from guantanamo Bay, a suspect in the 1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa.『36words』

17、 Zheng Shenzuo, the detainee who first sent to Qingzhou for camp, was not married in the twenty-fourth year of his maiden's life. His late father had promised to marry Li Xuanqing, a member of the Youxiaoxiang Army, before he went to camp.『43words』



