

1、We don't need a coolie right now.『7words』

2、A coolie grabbed a handful of penicillin from a shelf.『10words』

3、In fact, coolie trade was as bad as slave trade.『10words』

4、All right, come back tomorrow. We don't need a coolie right now.『12words』

5、The father did not need for mine study to buy the coolie again.『13words』



6、He was also a Right Wing, he was a master, I was coolie.『13words』

7、We also meet Bombaya, a free-wheeling 11-year-old orphan who lives on platforms, and Mukteshwar, a religious coolie.『17words』

8、Colonel Nicholson: I "m adamant. I will not have an officer from my battalion working as a coolie."『18words』

9、Both Chinese coolie trade and African slave trade were the actions which westners deprived people of underdeveloped countries and areas.『20words』

10、In the city, hundreds of coolie rhythmic sandy footsteps replaced the click of wooden shoes or the click of an engine.『21words』



11、They stem at the site of a knife brick repair brick wood, I just pick mud coolie, they are right, I get upset.『23words』

12、Since then, I stayed at that factory, so coolie, the daily work, that is, from production workshops, the production Experiment of a, weighing warehouse.『24words』

13、And afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant.『30words』

14、But step outside the meat-locker air-conditioning for a moment, and you might encounter a toothless peasant in a coolie hat carrying handmade baskets of fresh lychees balanced on a bamboo pole.『31words』

15、Before that, some of the people in Yongle Border Town were turned into refugees, fled to other places, and some were captured by the Khitan army, reduced to coolie and camped for Khitan.『33words』

16、The older men said I was right, the younger men said it was a damn shame to shoot an elephant for killing a coolie, because an elephant was worth more than any damn Coringhee coolie.『35words』

17、Direct killing is the simplest, but these years the population of Washington has dropped sharply, and the increase of corvee service will only lead to the rise of bandits, which is not conducive to rule, so it is more beneficial for Chen Wencai to let them in the coolie camp instead of the people to die of exhaustion in various 『61words』



