seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子(16句)

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子

1、By contrast, Persians seem to do business more.『8words』

2、She never could seem to do anything right or to his satisfaction.『12words』

3、Though willing to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right.『13words』

4、All I seem to do is cook, wash and pick up after the kids.『14words』

5、Mr. Hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments.『14words』

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子(16句)

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子

6、It is amazing to Americans how anyone gets around, yet Parisians seem to do well. 3.『16words』

7、Pompey had cleared the Mediterranean of pirates, which is something that our governments can't seem to do.『17words』

8、She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.『20words』

9、They seem to do less well overall. We don't know exactly why that is the case, what is the difference.『20words』

10、Up early in the morning every day, busy that day, do not seem to do when the sky was dark down a day went by.『25words』

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子(16句)

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子

11、Bupropion (an antidepressant marketed as Zyban) also does not seem to do much to help anxious smokers quit, though it is not entirely clear why.『25words』

12、I always seem to do things last minute, but I am always thinking of starting the task as soon as possible, before the due date.『25words』

13、From the north wall of the courtyard to the middle point of this short distance, Tongshi strong sprint in general seem to do their utmost to fight.『27words』

14、Employees are very casual in doing things. They seem to do things seriously when they are urged by others, and perfunctory when they are not urged by others.『28words』

15、They are offended by concrete wrongs, such as cruelty and racial injustice, but are relatively unmoved by lies or transgressions that don't seem to do anyone any obvious harm.『29words』

16、For starters, McKinsey says, throwing money at education does not seem to do much good, at least in those countries that already send all their young people to school (see chart).『31words』

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子(16句)

seem to do造句,用seem to do怎么造句子

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