

1、Your mind is a walled garden,even death cannot touch the flowers blooming there.你的内心就像一座隐秘花园,即便死亡也无法触及其中盛放的花朵。『13words』

2、Many complained that the ecosystem that he created was a walled garden, but I’d equate it to a pasture.『19words』

3、Why stay within a closed community when you can roam outside its walled garden, into the wilds of the internet proper?『21words』

4、A moat, walled ditch, or hedge sunk in the ground to serve as a fence without impairing the view or scenic appeal.『22words』

5、The latest news and footage seems less reversible: rebel fighters pouring into the regime's symbolic heart, the walled compound of Bab al-Aziziya.『22words』



6、The design of the main structure, foundation, stage thin-walled tube of Shanghai Theatre as well as the cantilever platform beam of its audience hall are introduced.『26words』

7、I supply firewood every year and rice every month. I also make you single-walled cotton, silk, satin, clothes and hairpin jewelry. I spend a lot of money.『27words』

8、After visual inspection and metallographic test, analysis and discuss the welding zone cracking reasons for 6061 and A7003 aluminum alloy thin-walled tube after TIG (argon shielded arc) welding.『28words』

9、White-walled and red-tiled buildings stand leisurely, straw gathers in the fields, greets guests from afar, and the lively streets are like neon flowing in color, lighting up the reappearance of fairyland.『31words』

10、“and their father gave them much silver and gold and things of great value, as well as walled towns in Judah; but the kingdom he gave to Jehoram, because he was the oldest."『33words』



11、“and in his wisdom he had his sons stationed in every walled town through all the lands of Judah and Benjamin; and he gave them a great store of food, and took wives for them."『35words』

12、“Say openly in Judah, give it out in Jerusalem, and say, Let the horn be sounded in the land: crying out in a loud voice, Come together, and let us go into the walled towns."『35words』

13、In the walled garden of a private home, Slovik was executed. His written prophecy is haunting: "They are not shooting me for deserting...Thousands of guys have done that. They just need to make an example out of somebody, and I'm it."『41words』

14、“In contrast to the typical Western format, East Asian palaces, such as the imperial palaces of Japan and those in Beijing's Forbidden City, consist of many buildings (in these cases, low pavilions mostly of highly decorated wood construction) within vast walled gardens. "『43words』



